Sunday, May 30, 2010


It's only been about a week and a half since school's been out and it feels like it's been a month already. Though I can probably blame that on staying up till 5 am and sleeping until 1pm the next day. Or maybe it's because there isn't a whole lot to do.

I notice that when I'm not in school I have no real sense of time. Could that possibly be from not having any assignments and I don't have to keep track of due dates. I woke up today thinking it was Tuesday for some reason. Or maybe I just wanted it to be Tuesday. Lost used to come on on Tuesdays.

I've been on the computer a lot lately. At the moment it's a good thing. It's a break from always being around people. But don't get me wrong, I love being around people and hanging out with my friends but sometimes after a few weeks I get fatigued of hanging out with people every day.

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